SONAX Components

Last update February 14, 2025 at 08:55
Version 1.41.1

The SONAX Component Library is the digital hub for building digital products among the SONAX brand. This system provides components to build web applications and to make sure they picture a brand experience.


yarn add @pxwlab/katana-snx

npm install --save @pxwlab/katana-snx


The package consists of the following:

  • dist/assets
    • all static assets like background-images, fonts and favicons live here
  • dist/katana-components.css
    • the stylesheet with relative imports that can be resolved by webpack
  • dist/katana-components.js
    • the react component library with all patterns
  • dist/katana-scripts.js
    • if you do not use the react components, this script file will provide all interactivity for the patterns
  • dist/sprite.svg
    • The svg-sprite with all svg icons
  • dist/components/*.js
    • all react components compiled as standalone javascript files

Using the package with webpack

⚠️ Note: This is just a guideline. You may want to optimize your setup further to gain additional performance.

You need to configure webpack to handle loading of the following files / formats:

  • CSS
  • images, fonts
  • SVGs (Optional)
  • JS

Example entry file

import '@pxwlab/katana-snx/katana-components.css'
import '@pxwlab/katana-snx/katana-scripts.js'

This is all you need to add in your entry file to have all styles and scripts loaded into your app. Now you need to configure webpack rules for the imports.

Config rules

Handling CSS

    test: [/.css$/],
    use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, 'css-loader']

This will extract all css imports in your entry file.

Handling static assets in CSS

      test: /\.(ttf|eot|woff(2)?|jpeg|jpg|png)$/,
      use: [
          loader: require.resolve('url-loader'),
          options: {
            limit: 8192,
            fallback: require.resolve('file-loader'),
            name: '[name]-[hash].[ext]',
            esModule: false

This will inline background-images and other assets into the generated css. Files bigger than 8kb will be loaded with file-loader. This means they will be copied into the dist folder and referenced via a hashed url to keep the generated css-file small.

Handling the svg-sprite

    test: /\.svg$/,
    loader: 'svg-inline-loader'

You can use svg-inline-loader to load the svg-sprite in the js file. You could then append it to the body:

// index.js

import spritesheet from '@pxwlab/katana-snx/sprite.svg'

function svgSprite() {
  const element = document.createElement('div') = 'absolute' = '-10000'

  element.innerHTML = spritesheet

  return element


Alternatively you may load the spritesheet from a static path and reference it via the url:

<svg><use xlink:href="/path/to/sprite.svg#icon-name"></use></svg>

Here you need to manually copy the sprite from node_modules and also adjust all svg-icons in the markup to reference the sprite via url.

Using react

If you use the react component library you can omit the katana-scripts.js import in your entry file:

import '@pxwlab/katana-snx/katana-components.css'
- import '@pxwlab/katana-snx/katana-scripts.js'
// ^ remove this line ^

All other imports and webpack-loader-rules stay identical.

You can now import the components from the main of the package (dist/katana-components.js), e.g.:

import { Button } from '@pxwlab/katana-snx'

export default () => (
  <Button onClick={() => console.log('Hello world!')}>Hello world</Button>
